Health and safety policy
This document details the arrangements for the effective management of health and safety.
Our current general statement of health and safety policy is given below. This sets out our commitment to provide and maintain safe working conditions for our employees and students.
To meet these objectives we have established clear responsibilities for health and safety. All senior members of staff are individually and collectively responsible for health and safety but specific overall responsibility has been assigned to the Principal.
We will ensure that the objectives of this statement are communicated to our employees, through induction training and regular updates. We will also monitor progress towards these objectives at senior management level and review them when appropriate in consultation with our employees.
The policy is supported by our health and safety management system which details our arrangements for the effective management of significant risks and exposures. This includes detailed policies and procedures, our process for assessing risk, and our arrangements for emergencies, fire and first aid etc.
General statement of health and safety policy
It is our constant aim to ensure the safety of all employees and students in the school.
Oxford School of English will:
Aim to achieve compliance with legal requirements through good occupational health and safety performance.
Provide adequate resources to implement this policy.
Establish and maintain a safe and healthy working environment.
Ensure that significant risks arising from work activities under our control are eliminated or adequately controlled.
Develop and implement appropriate occupational health and safety procedures, and safe working practices.
Include the management of health and safety as a specific responsibility of managers at all levels.
Ensure this policy is understood and implemented throughout the school.
Involve employees in health and safety decisions through consultation and co-operation.
Maintain workplaces under our control in a condition that is safe and without risk to health.
Regularly review compliance with the policy and the management system that supports it.
Provide sufficient information, instruction and supervision to enable all employees to avoid hazards and contribute to their own health and safety at work.
Ensure that employees receive appropriate training where appropriate, and are competent to carry out their designated responsibilities.
Responsibilities for health and safety
The following responsibilities have been assigned to various members of staff to enable us to meet the objectives of our health and safety policy.
School Principal (Haydar Albasri)
The Principal has overall responsibility for both the formulation and implementation of the school's health and safety policy, and in particular for:
Ensuring that the necessary arrangements are in place for managing health and safety effectively, and that all members of staff are accountable for health and safety.
Considering health and safety during the planning and implementation of business strategy.
Ensuring there are sufficient resources for meeting the objectives of the health and safety policy.
Ensuring arrangements are in place for consultation with employees and that they are involved in decisions relating to health and safety, and that progress in relation to health and safety is communicated to them.
Ensuring arrangements are in place to monitor and review health and safety performance across the company, including accidents and incidents; and ensuring that the necessary amendments are made to relevant policies, procedures and processes.
Regularly reviewing the objectives of the health and safety policy
It is the duty of all employees to take all reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, colleagues and students. They must also co-operate with senior members of staff and other employees in fulfilling our objectives and statutory duties. In particular, they must:
Comply with the training, information and instruction they have been given.
Carry out their work safely and without undue risk to themselves, colleagues and students, and not intentionally interfere, misuse or ignore arrangements, controls and items provide for health and safety purposes.
Check equipment before using it, and not use equipment which they know to be faulty.
Ensure that any damaged equipment is reported immediately to the DoS or Principal and removed from service until it is repaired.
Not bring any equipment, etc. onto company premises without first obtaining permission from the Principal.
Conduct themselves in a responsible manner while on company business.
Comply with the arrangements for emergencies and fire as they have been instructed.
Co-operate with management, colleagues, safety representatives and advisors promoting safe working practices.
Keep their work areas tidy and clear of hazards.
Report accidents, incidents and hazards they observe to the DOS or Principal.
Fire Marshals
Haydar Albasri - School Principal
Rosa Lucia - Director of Studies
Harry Thain - Operations Manager
Teruha Struss - Senior Admissions Manager
Fire Marshals are responsible for, in addition to any duties set out in this document or elsewhere, assisting in meeting the objectives of the health and safety policy, and in particular:
Being familiar with the emergency procedures
Taking appropriate and effective action if a fire occurs
Identifying hazards in the workplace and recording and report their observations
Ensuring that escape routes and doors are kept clear and are available for use
Ensuring fire doors are kept closed
Checking suitable and sufficient notices are displayed
Ensuring appropriate extinguishers are in place and are subject to regular maintenance
Ensuring fire alarms and emergency lighting is checked and serviced.
If a fire is discovered, the fire officers must:
Ensure that the alarm has been raised.
Ensure teachers have collected their class registers.
Evacuate staff from the building or area involved and check that any staff or visitors with disabilities are assisted.
Ensure the fire service has been called.
Go to the designated assembly point.
Conduct a roll call.
Ensure all persons have been accounted for and remain in the roll call area until instructed otherwise.
Report to the Principal to confirm all persons are accounted for and report any persons missing.
Inform staff and students when it is safe to re-enter the building.
Fire Marshals must never put themselves at risk while undertaking their role.
First Aiders
The names of the school’s First Aiders are displayed on notices in the Reception area and on further noticeboards around the school.
First Aiders are responsible for, in addition to any duties set out in this document or elsewhere, assisting in meeting the objectives of the health and safety policy, and in particular:
Being familiar with the emergency procedures and ensuring suitable and sufficient notices are displayed detailing the procedures.
Maintaining a valid first aid at work certificate issued by an HSE approved first aid training centre.
Attending appropriate additional courses to maintain their expertise as required remain up to date on the latest treatments.
Being aware of the various hazards likely to be the cause of injury and the appropriate first-aid treatment necessary.
Taking charge when someone is injured or falls ill, and providing treatment or advice within the limits of their training and experience and referring any cases of doubt to a hospital or doctor.
Checking that appropriate and sufficient first-aid boxes are sited about the premises and they are properly stocked and maintained.
Recording details of all accidents and treatments in the appropriate incident log.
Ensuring the Principal is advised of all accident and incidents to ensure the appropriate investigations can be completed.
In any extreme case then the responsible adult present should contact the emergency services by calling 999 from any school telephone. Examples of an 'extreme case' will include any situation where a person is unconscious, where there is a large amount of blood, suspected neck or back injury or where it is felt that the person is in serious danger.
A First Aid box is situated next to the photocopier.
Students who feel unwell during the school day should report to Reception and ask for guidance on how to receive medical attention.
Members of staff are not permitted to give out any medicines, including painkillers, to students.
The school has a defibrillator kept in a safe location for emergencies.
The Principal is responsible for the implementation and recording of the following schedule of inspections:
Daily routine inspection of the fabric of the buildings
The annual inspection of portable electrical appliances
The five yearly inspection of fixed wiring
June 2023
This policy is reviewed on an annual basis. However, if any issues relating to the policy should arise, the policy will be reviewed immediately.
Date of next scheduled review: June 2024