First Aid Policy
Oxford School of English aims to ensure that in the event of any illness, accident or injury, adequate, safe and effective First Aid is provided for every student, member of staff and visitor.
First Aid
All accidents, no matter how minor or major must be reported to a First Aider immediately. First Aid will only be administered by a trained First Aider. Following each incident, no matter how minor, the relevant First Aider will complete the relevant section of the Accident Report Book (stored in the filing cabinet behind Reception) and/or an Incident Report Form (stored on the Server under Health-and-Safety). The personal information recorded in the Accident Report Book must be removed and saved in the First Aid folder, which is kept in the store room.
Written consent is obtained in advance allowing our First Aiders to administer First Aid to under-18s. This consent is obtained by means of our Parental Consent Form, which we ask all parents/guardians of under-18s to sign before the student starts the course.
General points regarding First Aid
There will always be at least two full-time members of staff who hold a current and valid First Aid Certificate.
At least one of the below First Aiders will be present on site during the school opening hours (08:30 - 18:00)
At least one of the below First Aiders will be male, and at least one will be female - where possible, cultural factors will be considered when an incident occurs.
Current First Aid Trained Staff
Staff members with a valid Emergency First Aid At Work certificate are:
Haydar Albasri - Principal
Rosa Lucia - Director of Studies
Teruha Struss - Senior Admissions Manager
Lauren Sula - Accommodation Manager
Harry Thain - Operations Manager
Tim Lobert - Teacher
First Aid Box
The First Aid box (white cross on green background) can be found at reception.
Replenishment of First Aid Box
All first aiders are responsible for the correct and timely replenishment of all First Aid boxes/kits (including those for the summer school and outside activities). The nominated First Aider is currently Haydar Albasri.
Appropriate signs are displayed throughout the school listing the First Aid procedures, including the names and location of each First Aider and the location of the First Aid box.
June 2023
This policy is reviewed on an annual basis. However, if any issues relating to the policy should arise, the policy will be reviewed immediately.
Date of next scheduled review: June 2024