Discipline and Code of Conduct Policy
We are very proud and happy to say that Oxford School of English has always been a wonderfully friendly institution and has a lovely family atmosphere, where staff and students work and study in mutual respect and harmony. Each year, more than 1,000 young people from over 50 different countries spend time in our school, make friends, improve their English and thoroughly enjoy themselves. The school’s atmosphere and our approach to education mean that we have a close relationship with our students, and we very rarely have serious problems of any kind.
To ensure that all students, staff and representatives of the school continue to feel safe and free to study and work in a supportive environment, we have a list of what constitutes misconduct:
Students using the school computers for any illegal activity, eg copying files illegally or viewing illegal images
Students who disrupt classes or social activities
Students who commit fraud, are dishonest, do not tell the truth about their qualifications or background or use false documents (visas, passports, qualifications) to enter the school
Students who have not paid or do not pay their fees on time without a valid reason
Students whose behaviour on the premises endangers the lives of other students or staff members
Students who are violent, swear, or threaten other students or are indecent
Students who damage school property
Students who are noisy and/or disruptive to the neighbours in the building
Students who harass other students or staff members. This includes bullying, and sexual or racial harassment (please see our General Welfare Policy and Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy for further information)
Students who smoke, drink alcohol or take or possess illegal drugs on the premises
Students whose behaviour at their homestay or other accommodation is unacceptable
Students whose attendance is below the school’s requirements or students who frequently arrive late for class (please see our Attendance Policy for further information)
This list is not exhaustive: other actions and behaviours which we feel are threatening to the school, its students, its staff, its representatives or members of the public, as well as damaging to the reputation of the school, its students, its staff, its representatives or members of the public will be regarded as misconduct.
Reporting and Procedures
If anybody witnesses or becomes aware of misconduct on the part of our students, staff or representatives, they should report the matter to the CEO, Principal or one of the Welfare Officers (or another member of the management team) immediately. They will then conduct a thorough investigation of the allegation. This will include interviewing anybody accused of misconduct and, if applicable, any victims of the misconduct. Anybody interviewed will be invited to be accompanied by a representative of their choice to ensure fairness. At the end of the process, the Principal will reach a decision based on the evidence and testimony submitted.
In all cases, the final decision will rest with the Principal.
Students accused of misconduct
If a complaint is upheld, the following courses of action are pursued:
For most incidents, we will endeavour to broker a solution internally, possibly with the aid of a mediator. For example, a student who has verbally abused another student may receive counselling and appropriate education regarding (for example) racial discrimination. He or she will also be encouraged to apologise to anybody who has been affected by their behaviour.
Students may if appropriate be issued with warnings as follows:
occurrence of misconduct: Verbal Warning
occurrence of misconduct: Written Warning
occurrence of misconduct: Final Written Warning
occurrence of misconduct: Expulsion from school; in such cases, students will not be entitled to a discount on any school and accommodation fees.
Where the matter cannot be resolved internally, or is of a serious nature, we will involve any external agencies we feel are appropriate, including the police and the United Kingdom Border Agency. In such cases, students will be asked to leave the school with immediate effect. In such cases, students will not be entitled to a discount on any school and accommodation fees.
Members of staff or representatives of the school accused of misconduct
Allegations of misconduct against members of staff or school representatives are dealt with in line with the terms of employment as specified in any contracts or agreements between the school and the member of staff or representative. In summary, the process is:
occurrence of misconduct: First Written Warning
occurrence of misconduct: Final Written Warning
occurrence of misconduct: Dismissal from the school
In certain circumstances, a verbal warning may be issued prior to the first written warning.
In cases of gross misconduct, as specified in the contract and/or agreement with the school, members of staff will be dismissed immediately.
During any investigation of misconduct, the member of staff will be suspended from the school.
June 2023
This policy is reviewed on an annual basis. However, if any issues relating to the policy should arise, the policy will be reviewed immediately.
Date of next scheduled review: June 2024